Libri Come. Book and Reading Festival

23.03.23 - 26.03.23

Back at the Auditorium, from March 23 to 26, Libri Come, the Festival of Books and Reading curated by Michele De Mieri, Rosa Polacco, Marino Sinibaldi. Meetings, lectures, dialogues, performances, exhibitions with many names of Italian and world literature.

The theme chosen for this 14th edition is Power. A boundless word that will be addressed with different languages (nonfiction, fiction, photography, art, music) and in the different fields in which it manifests itself as limit, hierarchy, overpowering, but also in a different sense: that of a verb power that indicates the possibility of acting and perhaps changing those limits and hierarchies.

Guests include: Emmanuel Carrère, Javier Cercas, Zarifa Ghafari, David Grossman, Ian McEwan, Valerij Panjuškin, Daniel Pennac, Katja Petrowskaja, Niccolò Ammaniti, Paolo Giordano, Loredana Lipperini, Francesca Mannocchi, Dacia Maraini, Melania Mazzucco, Francesco Piccolo, Rosella Postorino, Massimo Recalcati, Walter Siti, Chiara Valerio, Zerocalcare.