Vera Gheno “Words of Other Kind. How Women Writers Changed the World.”

Sunday 26 March 2023
h. 15:00
Sala Ospiti
Vera Gheno “Words of Other Kind. How Women Writers Changed the World.”

For centuries women have hidden their words behind pseudonyms or not published them at all, entrusting them to posterity. This is evidenced by the presence of women writers in today's school anthologies, reduced, to put it in the color codes dear to tradition, to a pink hue on an all-blue sky. We have considered it natural, maybe even right (couldn't it bethat women write worse than men?), and yet, if we look under the water, we find that the submerged-that is, the words that women have never stopped writing-has changed the world, with the disruptive beauty of literature. The collection you have in your hands tells us these words through the sharp and sublime pages of women throughout history who have made their voices heard. We thus discoverthat the independence of the Amazons of Christine de Pizan is, as early as the 15th century, so profound that it led them to ban men from their land; we learn from Lady Mary Wortley Montagu that exploration for an eighteenth-century woman meant broadening her horizon to the point of introducing revolutionary practices such as variolization into Western medicine; we are seduced by the thoroughly contemporary idea that Virginia Woolf has of gender as something unchangeable, to the extent that his Orlando wakes up transformed into a woman without any disturbance. With an original and unique selection of texts-starting with Sappho and going through Zelda Fitzgerald, Margaret Mitchell and many others-Vera Gheno builds an invisible dictionary that crosses eras, continents and genres (not only literary), and guides us on a journey through so-called women's writing. To find out how women have helped transform the way we think, and have earned their place among the classics in the field.

Free admission while seats last. You can download the ticket starting March 17, 2023 by registering at or at Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone box office.

The ticket is valid for entry, with priority line, no later than 10 minutes before the start time of the event. After that time, the ticket loses its validity, and priority in entry is given to those who may be in the waiting line.