The thousand faces of catastrophe

Sunday 23 April 2023
h. 17:00
Guest Room
The thousand faces of catastrophe

Carlo Doglioni - INGV President
Luca Guerrieri - ISPRA Geologist, Senior Technologist at ISPRA
Monia Santini - Head of Impacts on Terrestrial Ecosystems - CMCC
Deodato Tapete - Downstream Unit Researcher and ASI Application Services.
Moderator Francesca Buoninconti - Science journalist and author

We often talk about disasters, we see them both in the news and in the movies, we fear them and try to avoid them. But what are catastrophes? How many forms can they take? Some are immediate and destructive, such as fires or earthquakes; others take place over longer timescales and with less visible effects in the short term, such as climate change or mass extinctions. Knowing about disasters is the first, fundamental step in being able to imagine how to deal with them.