Streaming: passion for music

Tuesday 10 January 2023
h. 21:00
Studio 2
Streaming: passion for music
Listening Lessons

Tuesday, January 10, 2023: Streaming: passion for music
Streaming services, in quantity and quality, can now replace any music collection on physical media. If vinyl offers tactility, collectibility, and pleasure of ownership, streaming music can give the music lover a new dimension to discover the world of music by bringing out interconnections and nuances. We will make qualitative and quantitative considerations, while also offering an interesting overview of Roon, the most powerful software for organizing intangible music with extraordinary search capabilities. Also: reviews and connections between musicians, in short, a completely new way to enjoy music on file, to which it manages to give a completely unexpected "life."

Giancarlo Valletta (JBL marketing director) and Giulio Salvioni (industry journalist) will deliver the lecture.