Music for Cino: remembering Alfonso Ghedin

Tuesday 28 March 2023
h. 20:00
Sala Petrassi
Music for Cino: remembering Alfonso Ghedin

Sonig Tchakerian, Ivan Rabaglia violin
Giovanni Sollima cello
Andrea Lucchesini piano

Marcello Branno violin
Federico De Zan, Marcello Sette cello
Osvaldo Fatone, Lavinia Bertulli, Peng Lin piano

Beethoven, Seven Variations on the Magic Flute for cello and piano
Šostakovič,Trio no. 1 in C minor op. 8
Schumann, Fantasiestücke for cello and piano op. 73
Bridge, Phantasie Trio No. 1
Brahms, Scherzo in C minor for violin and piano
Schumann, Fantasiestücke op. 88

A concert to remember Alfonso Ghedin, a great violist, teacher and undisputed protagonist of 20th century Italian music. To continue to convey his message of harmony, friendship, imagination and wisdom, his colleagues and teaching friends Sonig Tchakerian, Ivan Rabaglia, Giovanni Sollima and Andrea Lucchesini will play music by Beethoven, Šostakovič, Schumann and Brahms together with the students of the Santa Cecilia Academy's Perfection Courses.

This is how Michele dall'Ongaro remembers him: "Alfonso - called Cino by the musicians who were his friends - was simply a unique specimen of a gentleman of the last century, indeed: of two centuries ago. He was not only the prototypical decent person but always attentive, present at all concerts, generous with comments and advice to the young people-from whom he was always adored-and then he was a resounding musician, able, with his viola, to tell the emotions and intelligence of the music he played as if he were acting out a play, as if the notes were words that had no secrets for him. In this sense the fellowship with his peers was exemplary, and rarely have friendship, imagination, wisdom and magisterium merged so harmoniously."