Audio, seen from the artist’s side.

Tuesday 07 February 2023
h. 21:00
Studio 2
Audio, seen from the artist’s side.
Listening Lessons

Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023: The audio, seen from the artist's side
As music reproduction lovers, we are inclined to consider the finished product-tape, LP, CD, file-as the starting point of the listening experience. Actually, a long and sometimes tortuous path precedes it, which starts from the will/need to fix a sound event on a durable medium over time. Between that initial moment and the final product there are many steps, artistic in nature, but also technical and economic, each of which involves specific professional skills.

We will talk about all this with internationally renowned pianist Stefano Greco, who, including through examples, will illustrate his relationship with recording.

The presentation includes listening to some tracks in master mode compared with subsequent editing for distribution. The following will deliver the lecture: Maestro Stefano Greco (pianist), Giancarlo Valletta (JBL marketing director) and Giulio Salvioni (industry journalist).